
Thursday, June 16, 2011

The True Cost of Ideal Protein

One of the biggest challenges (beyond all the healthy eating) is the cost associated with following protocol during Phase 1. When I signed up with Bothell Chiropractic and Wellness, I didn't quite comprehend how expensive this would be. For $358 I was given a week's supply of food, my vitamin and mineral supplements, and a "lifetime" coaching benefit. Each week beyond, during phase 4, I'd pay another $84 for the small protein packets (21 of them) that would be the bulk of my meals. What I hadn't anticipated was the cost of groceries beyond the packets.

Each day, I've had to supply a lean protein (6-8 oz. chicken breast or other lean meat), four cups of select vegetables (broccoli, cauli, cukes, etc.), and lettuce greens. The veggie/lean protein costs varies but averages around $6/day. Couple that with the $12 in food costs and I've been paying nearly $20/day for meals. Here's what I've estimated will be your costs:

Ideal Protein (IP) Meals - $12
Veggies & Lean Protein - $6
Ideal Protein Required Supplements - $2

Multiply by 30 days in a month, and its going to cost about $600 to lose anywhere between 15 and 30 pounds. Before I began IP, my food budget was nowhere near this, even with entertainment food costs for going out with friends or for drinks. I was sold on the $84/week cost, or the $12/day cost advertised in print materials and during the IP Open House. Be prepared. It is more expensive than advertised, especially if vegetables and lean proteins are expensive in your neck of the woods.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's quite an expensive diet program, but I think that as long as we get rid of all the extra pounds... it worth every penny.
    Personally, I've started it, at the recommendation of a specialist that works here. He told me everything that I needed to know about it and I must admit that until now, I'm quite satisfied, even if the costs are high.
